Thursday, November 19, 2009

Staying Connected

Good morning!  I'm sitting up here in my chair this morning thinking about all you amazing girls and praying that God would continue to open your eyes to His love and Presence all around you.  Has He done that?  Has He shown up for you?  I would love to hear your stories.  I would love to stay connected.  That's why I came up with this blog idea.  Leave your stories in the comment section so we can all read them.  If you need me, contact me by email at  But put "WTGC" in the subject line so I can find you in my spam folder.  I want to hear from you!

I'll start. Here's one of my God stories since the conference.  Every year in my prayer group, Acts 29:1, we each ask God to give us a word for the year.  This year my word is "MOVE".  Weird word, I know.  It's always fun to see how God will show up throughout the year in our words.  Well, He did it in you.  Remember the last thing we did?  When I asked you if you wanted what I have - this incredible freedom?  Well when you took your step forward - you moved!  Then you moved again - and again.  That was a sight I will absolutely never forget in my entire life.  It was by far the highlight of my weekend.  BY FAR! As I sat here yesterday morning it hit me - Move!  Isn't God wonderful??  Isn't He fun?

I am so glad I got the opportunity to speak to your heart.  I'm thankful that God used me and incredibly humbled to have been His choice for last weekend.  So let's see what happens here.  I'm not even sure if any of you know this place exists.  I think they were going to put the link in the packets.  I know one thing, if God wants you here, He will lead you here.  He got you to that conference!

Hang onto Him tight!  Remember every choice you make, every word you speak leads you toward Him or away from Him.  It's your choice.  But you can ALWAYS turn back.  That is the very good news!!  HE loves you so very much...and so do I.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

WTGC 2009

What an amazing weekend!  What a great big GOD!  More to come!  Very soon!